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A breeze of innovation. Innovations, investments and startups in Klaipėda - compatible?

While the whole world is only talking about the latest technologies, artificial intelligence and trying to apply it in everyday life, it is commonly heard that Klaipėda has no startups and cannot create innovations. Last Thursday, together with a group of ecosystem experts, our Fund's Managing Director Viktorija Trimbel dived deeper into upcoming tools and opportunities to finally get the innovation engine going.

The first panel, including Paulius OrdaVytautas AdomaitisMantas Leknius, and moderated by Indrė Kazlauskienė, tackled how large organizations implement innovations. The consensus? Success requires determination and smart strategies.

The second panel discussion, featuring Viktorija TrimbelLukas BartuseviciusSimonas Valadkevicius, and moderated by Indrė Razbadauskaitė-Venskė, SMP, focused on managing innovation in startups and VC relationships. Their advice? Be bold, work hard, and know your limits. Also, know when you’re crossing the line from healthy persistence to toxic stubbornness (don’t follow your VC to the WC!).

Inga Kanapeckiene also discussed the EIT Health project during her keynote. For more details, visit:

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the main organizers of the event: Baltic Sandbox Ventures. Join them in three weeks for more in Klaipėda! Details here:

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